Move In/Out Cleaning Service

InsideOut Cleaning Services offer professional cleaning services for home, offices and industrial areas throughout Klang Valley.

Move In/Out Cleaning Service

Get your end of lease cleaning done efficiently by InsideOut Cleaning Service pre move-in or move-out service for residential, office and commercial premises in KL/Selangor area.
When it’s time for you to move, you plan as much as you’re able to, but with your job and other responsibilities you have can make it a challenging and multi-task. Of course, you want to get your deposit back, but do you have time to do all of the cleaning? Do you even know what needs to be cleaned according to a checklist? Your landlord is undoubtedly going to complete a checklist during inspection, so you need to be ready.
That’s when InsideOut Cleaning Service end of lease cleaning team can help you. We can provide you with a range of services, inside and outside, to ensure that your home is restored to it’s original condition for rental bond recovery. In fact, we are that confident that we also provide a 100% Bond back guarantee meaning that we are more than happy to rectify any issues identified by your real estate agent or Landlord, free of charge for your own peace of mind.

Our aim is for your property manager to leave your home happy and pleased that you are taking good care of their property.

Contact our cleaning manager now to get a quote for your pre move-In Or Move-Out Cleaning Service !